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Forensic Neuropsychiatry Consultation

Dr. Datta is available nationally as an expert witness or consultant in criminal and civil litigation, particularly related to dementia, traumatic brain injury, trauma and PTSD, dissociative disorders, functional neurological disorders, factitious disorders, psychosis, bipolar disorder, addiction, and psychopharmacology.

As a board certified forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Datta has specialist training in using his expertise in neuropsychiatry to answer psycholegal questions. He has consulted on over 100 legal cases and has been qualified as an expert in psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, and/or psychopharmacology in California and Federal Courts.


A consummate educator, Dr. Datta teaches forensic neuropsychiatric topics in the Stanford Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship. He has taught about topics such as civil commitment and civil competencies to medical students and psychiatry residents. 

Dr. Datta's work at the intersection of psychiatry and the law has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Behavioral Sciences & The Law, and he has co-authored two chapters in Representing People with Dementia: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers. He previously served as Co-Chair of the Forensic Neuropsychiatry Committee of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, and has co-authored several Resource Documents as part of the American Psychiatric Association's Council on Psychiatry and the Law.

Dr. Datta Consults on Criminal Cases, Including:

Criminal Competencies (e.g. competency to stand trial,  to waive Miranda rights)

Criminal Responsibility (e.g. insanity, diminished capacity/actuality, unconsciousness, involuntary intoxication)

Mental Health Diversion

Sentencing Mitigation

Death Penalty Appeals

Violence Risk Assessment

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He Also Consults on Civil Cases, Such As:

Civil Competencies (Testamentary Capacity, Contractual Capacity, Medical Decision Making, Matrimonial capacity)

Undue Influence

Guardianship and Conservatorship

Civil Commitment and Forced Treatment

Neuropsychiatric Disability

Fitness for Duty

Personal Injury

Psychiatric Malpractice

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